After picking up each other’s laundry, washing dishes, and bickering about whose turn it is to take out the trash, it can be easy to take your long-term love for granted. There are plenty of ways to go out of your way to show that you care – flowers, chocolate, gifts, and extra smooches – but doesn’t your special someone deserve a little more? Here are four easy and practical ways to show your love and appreciation, and then how to take the next step to make them feel especially cherished.

Make breakfast in bed, and then wash the sheets
Breakfast in bed is a sweet gesture. If it’s just the two of you, you can relax, read the paper, and enjoy a leisurely Sunday morning in bed. If you have kids, you can leave your better half to eat their breakfast while you take the little ones out for an hour, get a babysitter, or just invite everyone along for the ride (if your breakfast isn’t too messy, or if you’re brave). Either way, there’s nothing snuggly or sexy about crumbs in the sheets. It’s extra thoughtful to wash the sheets and re-make the bed after breakfast is eaten and the dishes cleared away. Who doesn’t like climbing into a bed made up with fresh linens?
Write a note, but save the clichés
A little “I love you” note in your partner’s bag can make them smile. A little “I love you because” letter can make their day. Take an extra minute or two to think of a message that you really want to communicate. Is there something you want to say that gets lost in the shuffle of everyday life? What is it that you love about them? Is there a unique memory or inside joke that would make him laugh? This could also go in an “adult” direction, and no one would blame you! Just be mindful of where and when this note will be opened, especially if it’s traveling to the workplace.
Instead of just doing a chore, give the gift of time
Does your sweetie usually do the dishes? Offering to do the dishes would be a sweet gesture, but if he just uses that time to catch up on laundry, it’s defeating the purpose. Ask your partner what they would do if they had some time to relax, and how you can make that happen. Facilitate some much-needed downtime in the way your partner needs it. Warning: you might end up having to do both the laundry and the dishes.
Say thank you for what you appreciate, and forgive what you don’t
You and your partner probably work pretty hard to make your life together. Paying the bills, taking care of any living beings that you might be responsible for, and keeping all the moving parts functioning is no small task. If you appreciate the work that your spouse does, tell them thank you. Then, give them the gift of forgiveness for the little things that you don’t appreciate. When they do the laundry? Thanks! When they leave their socks on the floor? Pick it up, and let it go. When they sort the recyclables? Thanks! When they forget to take the trash out? Hey, no one’s perfect. Talk out the big issues, and discuss any ongoing issues, but try not to nag or hold a grudge. Remember, we just said no one’s perfect. A little nagging might happen every once in a while. Try to be mindful of it if you’re the one rolling your eyes, and try to forgive it if you’re the one getting the dirty looks.
How do you show your partner that you love and appreciate them?
Author Bio: Johan Olers is a resident writer for mini militia pro pack